Tuesday, 7 May 2013

I believe "Its Business"

Corporate world is pure business and nothing else. Succeeding in business requires domain knowledge as well as the skills to take decisions which matter in testing times. The importance of an MBA in that respect also becomes very important. Masters of Business, as its full form is, teaches and orients an individual to take complex manoeuvres under high stress conditions. As a research done by Times of India shows, the majority of CEOs of large multinationals are engineers +MBAs reinforcing the importance of quantitative and technical domain specific knowledge in running a business and which can't be contested even by a layman. If you are into bricks and mortar business, the basics of structural engineering and solid mechanics are always an added advantage. Although a property dealer in a small scale work may disapprove of this by using the same designs everywhere he's making a small house, same can't be said of a big contractor engaging in innovative and first time executed projects. This being said, it can't be generalised that a civil engineer cannot work in a firm other than his domain at a managerial post and its not at all compulsory to have technical knowledge beforehand, otherwise all commerce people will not get any jobs and same with others. But regarding the importance of engineering in general, I believe that to do business it's a very valuable advantage. We have been taught programming which is key to technological aspects almost everywhere whereas others if not specifically inclined or coached tend to have it as their Achilles heel. The numerical analysis ,differential equations, calculus in general, higher mathematics including algebra, eigen values and eigen vectors, optimisation techniques are all applications of mathematics and are of immense utility in a consulting firm. Further the knowledge of languages like Java, C++,Mathcad and my personal affinity to MS Excel are the areas I believe engineering has given me the motivation and zeal to explore. Innovative ness is another area redefining businesses in markets throughout the world. Android came and has virtually wiped out Nokias of yesteryear. Engineering teaches the practical applications of science contrasting with the general science courses which focus on experiments which have weak links with the reality at present, though it may become pathbreaking in future. In this aspect I was encouraged by my transportation engineering prof to make a computer application on finding the orientation of a runway which otherwise manually was a very tedious and time consuming work. This I consider as my achievement till date in my life and my paper on the topic was accepted at the Second International Conference on Civil Engineering at Dubai. Dubai in itself was a marvellous experience. It filled in me the desire to one  day work in those skyskrapers and be a part of real cosmopolitan, modern and global city of the world. So this was all about why an MBA after engineering. Now why an MBA altogether is a very good thought. Life has taught me that at the end it's "business". It's been a hard and for good learnt lesson that money is the driver of everything and management of capital is the most important task. Howsoever one may be connected to his school, college or profession, the reason they are existing and there on ground is money and on a larger scale everyone is doing business. Exchanging of work for money is business, of money for goods and goods for money is business, of researching for new products in exchange of grants and producing results or faking them to get more grants is business, of teaching for money and studying for money is business, and so can everything as I see it is one or the other way is business going on day and night. And the success of a person depends on how good he does his business and as I have discussed the importance of theoretical or domain knowledge before working, and MBA becomes necessary if one wants to perform well in this world full of business.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Collection of good puzzle links



As the dawn of my professional career approached closer, I had started to be poised about the importance of management and which led to my decision of doing an MBA in my life. Before this revelation, MBA was just a means of earning good money and trying to get a greater pie of what is known as success. They were 2 events that changed the way I used to think.

Initially I used to be the geek believing what society said was good, following the hard way by doing really good quantity of labor and was pretty successful in my ordeals of getting the maximum marks in exams and that used to be my only goal. Socially dead, culturally morbid I had become the guy who knew hard work but didn't knew how to do it intelligently. Working for more hours with less output, I used to enjoy keeping the book in front whilst thinking something else and effectively working much less. This technique I had developed on my own as a child, coming from modest background with not so highly educated parents, although I have my deepest regards for them, but they were also righteously of the view that a child should learn on his own. So my father never and even today doesn't share the nuances of his work and has always asked me to make my own ways without an ounce of guiding. How I came into science is also a long story I'll share some other day, which reveals how much less career advice I used to get from him. And so I had to carve out my own ways which in the beginning were in true sense rigid and based on the only goal of becoming self sufficient, getting a job and making a living. As the cream of the class went into science, I also came here with no real clue as to what I want or may become. And since I was that geeky hard working guy, it worked in my favour and I got into a decent Engineering college which was one of the turning point of my life. I was going to leave Delhi and live in a hostel, the first inadvertent step towards self sufficiency and independence. Here I learn to manage my finances, make good relations and observe closely the positives these can reap into which I could never do in the closed rooms of my home I used for studying. Adjusting with the room mate was another virtue I learned of. But the mindset didn't change and I used to work the same way and was pretty successful in my university exams. 

With time I realised that I have become too lonely and solitary, and to be really successful, one needs to be successful in life as a whole, and financial success follows suit. The importance of academics on one hand can never be contested, I saw people reaching the zenith becoming by just maintaining interpersonal relations. I begun to change. 

The first event that led to this was the event I was part of as a major member, the hostel night of Hostel J. Here I learnt how to work efficiently as a group and make a large scale event a success. Everything was pre planned and it went smoothly. This was the point management came into picture. Even with all other resources remaining same, other hostels could not organise an event satisfying the students, teachers and faculty. It was either their management's error in planning or execution but it was management. Today n number of civil engineering projects are jammed due to gross mismanagement of one of the parties. So this was a life learning experience and was a stepping stone in my decision to do an MBA as I now believe, not only is it needed for career growth, but for personal growth as well, management is of utmost importance. 

Another event was when I was part of final year organising a three day path in gurdwaras which also was successful and I have started to play the role of taking the call in these events. By repeatedly doing these events, one learns where one can go wrong from past experience and that I believe not only in management, but in life about practice making a man perfect. 

So I am ready for my journey towards an MBA which I don't consider as a destination but a starting point to start with in life.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Osama in Africa

As I was reading about the latest events in Africa, about the terrorism now shifting bases from Pakistan and Afghanistan to safer havens in Africa, offering a protective tenancy in the jungles and the deserts. This is a mind shattering thought. No one really knows where and when this will end. The solipsism of America that created the buzzard named Osama in 1980s to defeat the USSR hit it back on Sep 11, 2001 causing more harm than the accumulated gains US must have made in the two decades. Two of the America's tallest buildings fell like pack of cards, which used to be the American symbols of pride became the graveyards for many who perished in thin air, those who were in the planes, in the towers as along those on the ground. The human, financial and emotional losses of those events and those perpetrated by US in Afghanistan and Iraq were by no means parallel to the profits at the fall of the Soviet Union. One trillion dollars, it has been estimated by an independent research agency was the cost on economic front the tenacious nation had to make for the aggression. Now with unofficial figures of unemployment in the US touching 10%, the highest in recent times, it is an established fact that the wars took away all the money needed to employ all these people and the amount which could bridge gap which was the economic crisis 2008, the worst since Great Depression, was wasted off in shelling mountains in Afghanistan and meddling in affairs which at a time did'nt qualify to be America's own. Same is the situation with India. Here the problem plaguing economy being the colossal red tape. The cases of 2G spectrum have not ended and a new scandal much more high profile than that has surfaced. Here also, all the money which could have been used to fuel the development projects and the staggering amounts which neither one can eat or carry after his life, is blocked. It can't come out because the leaders fearful of IT will not spend and hence infuse cash in the market, neither can they show it. So the blocked wealth hinders growth of the developing nation.

Coming on to the main thought of an Osama in Africa would no doubt numb the one who has at some stage or ever been a victim from either side. The verdict is clear. The stable individual on ground, be he or she in any country wants a peaceful life and nothing else.

Hope the leaders of the world are listening